Sunday, 1 March 2020

Learnings from 29 Day Challenge - Success!

(Image: )

Or, Why I feel the 29 Day Wellness Challenge was a qualified success:

So, now it is March, I can see the results. Most days I meditated at least once, a couple of times twice. I got a bunch of naps. I wrote a few blogs, not too many. Daily yoga? Not really - I did stretches etc for a few minutes, not enough to really establish a regular practice. Didn't get to Tai Chi even once.

The real success wasn't being able to tick off accomplishing all my goals every day.

For me, I feel successful because:

1) I tried to prioritize my wellness all month - huge for a type A!;
2) It made me much more aware throughout each day of what my levels of energy were,
3) I considered as a result how best in the moment to care for myself. Sometimes I napped. Sometimes I went out for a walk - there were some beautiful days and I have been very inactive this winter as usual, so it felt great to start to be more active again. Sometimes I did a quick meditation, or took some breaths and checked in with myself to connect with what I was feeling.

So now I have a new March challenge, as a result.

I know I want to continue meditating daily, and to keep trying to establish a yoga practice.

Hoping that it will be warmer than today most of March :), I hope to get back into walking at least 3 times a week on the rail trail.

But above all, I want to stay aware more of the time. This will mean cutting back further on social media time for a start, because of the time drain as well as the glazed unaware scrolling thing that tends to happen when I spend too much time on Facebook or Twitter.

I am excited to see where a deeper awareness can take me in terms of the healing journey.